fire and ice
flat lands, icy waste
curling smoke, steam rising
the city breathes in, breathes out
like a sleeping dragon
there is a fire burning inside of me
drear, dull fever
snowflakes melt upon my skin
heart filled, like bursting
flames in my chest
through gritted teeth
in the bitter frost
in silence, I scream
restless, a tiger pacing in its cage
ready to tear limb from limb
I want to burn
burst of fire
like a roman candle
flaming wreckage crashing down in re-entry
a shooting star
bright flash of starfire
flaming out
in the cold, blue, winter sky
clouds of steam, the forest heaves and puffs
trees flattened, splintered, shattered, fallen
the cratered ground, smooth and shiny and not of this world
nothing else remains
the snowflakes come drifting, one by one
and the wind blows fitfully in gusts and blasts
the silence broken only by the echos, the memories, like thunder, like the tides crashing on high cliff walls