
I'm not really all that mysterious

temporarily back in business

OK, I have Blosxom generating static pages now. Writebacks won’t work because the sysadmins haven’t yet re-enabled the CGI. Hopefully they get back to me soon, but I’ve only moved up by four positions in their queue in the last twelve hours.

I thought I was all slick, having written a .htaccess file successfully keeping out the offending bots that have been hammering my webhost, but it turns out that I had introduced a syntax error, causing everybody to be blocked. (For future reference, don’t put any unescaped whitespace in your regexes.)

This site is crippled, but at least you can read my rantings and ravings.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

This is not technically a via-trail (considering that my site has been down for a couple of days now, but more of a google-trail, I suppose. I came upon this site in my search for how to keep bots from hammering my site. What his particular entry mentions is how to control when Blosxom serves a static page, and when it serves a dynamic page, by messing with mod_rewrite rules. Another interesting ramification of this entry is that you can control what are valid categories. (For example, I could probably use this to turn away all those bots.)

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga


OK, this is somewhat sad and pathetic, but I figure I need to get it out of my system. As I mentioned, I got mugged at gunpoint yesterday morning. Now being the fatalist that I am, with a latent death wish to boot, it didn’t really phase me all that much at the time. I didn’t piss or shit myself when the dude pointed his gun at me. In fact, I was a little pissed, and might have done something really stupid if Y wasn’t with me, since I didn’t want him getting shot on account of my own stupidity.

Of course, since I have done a psychiatry rotation, I am concerned about developing PTSD. Apparently, it is more likely to occur in people who repress their emotional reactions to traumatic events. Instead of processing things, they just hold back, until it bites them in the ass sometime in the future, and then they can’t help but feel that Charlie is waiting with a grenade just outside their garage door out in the suburbs, despite checking every half hour to make sure things are all clear.

Now, I recognize that getting mugged is not like fighting in Vietnam, but still, PTSD has been recognized to occur in victims of violent crime and in car crash victims, just to name a few non-combatant sufferers.

So I made it a point to talk about it all day, telling anyone who would listen what had happened. So that helped a lot. I find it funny that everyone commented on how well I was taking it. My take on it is that, well, there was very little I could do. Me and Y were being loud and stupid, walking around at 5am, down a dark street, without being aware at all about our environment. We were, in technical terms, sitting ducks.

But I still got shaky eventually. It didn’t really hit me until sixteen hours after it had happened. I was literally trembling, and I could feel the adrenaline in my veins. I think the trigger was nightfall. I didn’t want to go out. I totally developed the whole hypervigilance thing. Every little sound, every little movement in my peripheral vision would freak me out.

Talking to BS, though, he had really good advice. Having been mugged at knifepoint himself when he was a kid, he had practical tips. Mainly, don’t let it stop you from doing what you would normally do. So I forced myself to walk down the street that I got mugged on and go to the Walgreens. It wasn’t bad. I was a little hypervigilant, but I felt at ease that there were so many people walking around.

As an excursus: while BD suggested that maybe this was a sign to get out of Chicago, I countered that, well, you know, in the neighborhood we grew up in in L.A., it would probably be a very poor idea to go wandering around at 5 a.m. While you could get away with it in the parts of Chicago that I usually wander (and, for up until this point, my friends and I had), in L.A. (particularly the parts of it which I tend to wander), well, it’s definitely an invitation for trouble. Who knows, scientifically, what the actual crime rates are, and maybe it’s just naivete, but I actually do feel safer here, even considering yesterday’s incident.

But what struck me was how horribly alone I feel right now. I mean, I’ve obviously been feeling that way for quite a while now, what with me looking for love in all the wrong places, but nothing brings out the stark truth of the matter like a traumatic event.

It doesn’t help that pretty much all of my friends are out of town right now.

Yeah, this actually get me right in the left-side of the chest.

Especially when I was all shaky, you know, I started wondering what it would be like to have someone special who cared about you. You know, like when I was feeling all shaky and not a little scared, someone who would hold me close and make me feel safe, at least for that short while. Someone who would comfort me.

Instead, I have no one.

I mean, I have some really good friends, and they did talk me through a lot yesterday, but, well, for one thing, they are almost all literally thousands of miles away, or they were at work, or they were thousands of miles away and at work.

I have never felt so utterly, hopelessly alone.

The thing with despair is that it implies a little hope. You wouldn’t despair if you thought that things were completely impossible. It’s really that tiny glimmer of possibility that kills you. You are reduced to asking the universe “what if?”

But this feeling I have right now, on the other hand, is beyond despair. It is desolation. The understanding that whatever it is you want is never again going to happen to you, and that while it sucks, there’s absolutely nothing to be done.

Wow. This is making me really sad.

I am told that it is possible to be perfectly happy on your own. Despite what popular culture says. I suppose there are much more sublime things to aspire to than romantic love. Yeah. That actually does get me by. Even if I completely X out this concept from my life, there are still actually a lot of things that I want to experience.

Here’s to hope. And as they say, loneliness is really not the same thing as being alone. And learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. Yeah.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

cgi working

Hmmm. The permissions seem to have been changed back on my index.cgis, but the sysadmins never got back to me.

Weird. Well, go ahead and test the comments. See if it all really works.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

counting crows "rain king"

I don’t know why, but I really like the title of the album this song comes from: August and Everything After, fitting especially since today is the last day of August. (The waning of summer always puts me in a nostalgic, melancholy mood.)

I belong… in the service of the queen
I belong… anywhere but in between.

With the image of the black-winged bird, I am reminded of one of the creation myths from the Philippines, where a bird tricks the sea and the sky into a war, so that the sky eventually ends up dropping rocks from the sky into the ocean, creating land.

I’ve been here before and I deserve a little more….

To August and everything after. Where has all the time gone?

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

futurama quote

Yay! We live to suck another day! — Bender

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Nelson Minar helped me out with problems on my site. My webhost was getting hammered by bots that were getting lost in blosxom.cgi because, one, I had done the “remove CGI kludge” and, two, Blosxom doesn’t generate an error code when a bogus URL is requested. Tens of thousands of requests were being generated and my webhost had to shut me down.

So Nelson Minar created a plugin to return 410 Gone if a URL matches a user-defined regex. Regardless, traffic seems to have dropped ever since my webhost disabled my scripts. Hopefully it’ll stay that way.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga