
I'm not really all that mysterious


I built a seriously kludgy plug-in http_get, which, in conjunction with my interpolate_pseudoxml plugin or Rael Dornfest’s interpolate_fancy plugin, allows you to pull in the contents of an arbitrary remote URI, provided that you have the libperl-www module installed on your webhost.

What I am using it for is so I can call blosxom.cgi recursively, using a flavour (and the foreshortened plugin) to build the “last 5” text box on the left side. I know there is a better, more efficient way to do this, but I really didn’t want to screw with another plugin and slog through whatever syntax their author’s came up with. (No offense, guys. I’m just a control freak like that.)

Consequently, it takes forever to load my blog on my iBook. I’m hoping that my webhost won’t suffer as much. Of course, this means every request to my blog results in 2 request to the webserver. Eek.

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