
I'm not really all that mysterious

interpolate_pseudoxml revisited

I take back what I said about my interpolate plugin. Or rather, let me qualify what I said.

It is a lot slower than either interpolate_fancy, interpolate_conditional, or the default interpolate routine. On my iBook 700 MHz running Apache 1.3.27 on MacOS X, there is a noticeable delay before my pages render.

That said, when I rsync’ed with my webhost and viewed my pages from there, there was no appreciable delay. In fact, my webhost serves the pages up faster than my local Apache setup does. (I am torn: do I test locally and just suck up the delay caused by my plugin, or do I just rsync every time I make a change and request pages from my webhost? Either way, it’s kind of ugly. Oh well.)

So, yeah, my plugin is inefficient, but not unusably so. Of course, I’m still not going to send it in quite yet. Maybe later.

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