dhtml lemmings
A version of Lemmings running on a web browser. (Link from popdex.com. Check out the Lemmings Compendium for more information.) I loved this game. The object is to get a bunch of lemmings from a trapdoor to an exit. They all walk mindlessly in a straight line, and will plunge happily to their deaths off of cliffs, so you have to direct them by ordering them to tunnel and dig and stand still to block off their compatriots, and you only have a limited number of these orders. With the insanely cute sound effects, there is something murderously hilarious about it. (Nothing like a 100 lemmings screaming “Oh no!” when you decide to hit the apocalypse button to give up the level, causing each and everyone of them to explode and wreak havoc on the playing field. I remember giggling like a madman whenever they’d fall from too great of a height and splatter.)
I first played it on my oldest friend’s dad’s Amiga 2000 which was an awesome computer. It had two trackball/mouse/joystick ports, so you could actually play against each other, head-to-head, and indirectly massacre each other’s lemming populations. (Like by creating a tunnel leading into the abyss, or sending suicide bombers.)
I also had a MS-DOS version, which wasn’t as fun because you could only play the 1-player version, and I didn’t have a sound card. Talk about a step back. (What could’ve been if Commodore had actually survived?)