
I'm not really all that mysterious


The evil resident is quashing my spirit. (But I will write about it somewhere else.)

But overall, it was a good day. I think I know what I want to do with my life. I mean, it’s going to take a lot of work, and I don’t know if I’ll pull it off, but, hey, at least I know.

And when I left the hospital today, it was warm and sunny, and I cruised down the surface streets, listening to music on my iPod.

(Of course, I have this tendency to always look at the dark side of things. I am anticipating the crash. I just hope I’m wrong.)

Still, I wonder how many more opportunities I am going to let slip through my fingers. (And why do I always end up in weird, bizarre situations?)

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Succumbing to Evil

Never before have I been overtaken by such lassitude and pure laziness. As far as I can tell, this year is over for me. It’s kind of sad, though. I started out with such drive. I just looked at my evaluations earlier in the year. You would’ve thought that I was set to become surgeon, what with the narrative comments. Except that I’m getting the typical “somewhat timid, would do better to be more aggressive” comments that most Asian American medical students get. Damn my heritage. (And, shit, I am so non-surgical. The residents had me pegged as an internist from day one.)

But seriously, this OBGYN rotation is killing me. Never before have I so not wanted to be in the hospital. Never mind that if I’m not sitting on my ass being useless, I’m staring at vagina (and like many others before me, I will agree that nothing kills your sex drive more than having to look at genitalia all day.) Gyne surgery ORs have a lot in common with medieval torture chambers, I swear.

Bleh. I can’t even blog at how horrible one of the PGY4s is. It’s almost legendary. She’s some sort of archetypal caricature. A straight-up negative energy cloud. I’ve been imagining what I’m going to write in her eval. But I know it’s not worth it. Because, in the end, I don’t give a fuck. (And, yeah, usually it’s a really bad idea to write about people until after the rotation is over, but I honestly don’t care.)

But let me tell you, Evil begets Evil. Stop the violence, increase the peace!

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga