
I'm not really all that mysterious

The Parable of the Cave

Something about taking thoughts/thought systems/memes and analyzing them as discrete particles—have you not created a new mind pattern, less exact than what you are describing, like what a mirror does, specifically, a pair of mirrors facing each other, or like loss compression algorithms.

Science does not describe reality, but rather creates a meta-reality, simplified and inexact.

And while it is a meta-reality, it exists within reality, coded into our brain—our brains are windows across meta-levels—obviously the conecpts are not literally transcribed in our brains, there must be hooks, file pointers, links—pointers or compressed code? If they are pointers, what do they point to? Reality? Yes, I guess symlinks can point to a filesystem but not be on the same filesystem.

Either these is a kernel, or it is code. (Thermodynamics either way?)

My dissection and mixing/matching [of] thought patterns is unnatural and perhaps mere pawn-pushing….

Next concept: does Order stem from Chaos (traditional chaos theory? Need to read…) or does Chaos stem from Order (or are enthalpy and entropy independent—not a zero-sum game… Chaos → Energy? Need to think…)

Do I go about haphazardly, waiting for the pattern to emerge, or do I go about methodically, so I can ride(?!) my own chaotic wake?(!) Is this possible? (dependent on v and r and a, I suppose…)

Three: the Lexicon↔Genome map, rough outline. If I could get English words—strike this, it only works for alphanumerics. Find a way to map meaningful data to functional genes, and grow transformed data in bacteria. An adjunct to brute force cracking→generate keys at random, transform the data, then [convert binary data to nucleotide sequences], insert [it] into bacteria, and grow [it]. Only the meaningful data will grow….

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