From the Notebook of the Renaissance Man Wannabe
- We perceive as we do because of our genetic “presets”: it affects all input (which arguably [is] only attained through sensory perception.) It is like… a light microscope, [which] can only focus at a particular point…. There are things you will miss…. Noise is a necessary component of perception….
- All things do tend to be binary, in this sense: it is either divergent or convergent, there is no true center, only a place where the two forces cancel—but this is not stable like in the sense of buffering acids or bases. Slight variation will cause pseudo-stable phenomenon to accelerate either out or in. An example of such pseudo-stable phenomenon is life.
- Hence, all human perception is influenced by this paradigm–a universe that is unidirectional versus consciousness that can only exist in steady state….
- Story idea: merge the skin [ed. no this is not porno] story with the amnesiac woman on the space station scheduled to be destroyed by the Republic.
- There must be something inherently pattern-searching in life. For certain, the brain does it all the time, but apparently life does it all over—the only way DNA replication can occur—searching for patterns. But I think the brain works on another level (which could be called mathematical but is undoubtedly less precise). It searches for patterns of patterns.