Uncertainty Principle
You know this [uncertainty] principle really sucks, ‘cause everything is always shifting, shifting. You can never get a handle on things, like picture this:
Some guy is living inside my head, I guess a spelunker dude (a reference to A and E, I suppose?)
Apparently he’s been trapped in there for quite a while, actually buried, and somehow the rocks have shifted so that he can actually move. Things always come from somewhere I suppose.
What would it take to feel right with the world, I still wonder? What would it take? [I have] this sense of having waited too long and now I’m just taking the [leftovers]….
K They said tomorrow. Tomorrow I must go.
I Yes, perhaps tomorrow. And tonight?
K I suppose I ought to pack. I hate packing.
I Will you not wait for [redacted]?
K I would wish to. But, tomorrow
I Wait a day, the train will run at least one more day. You’ve this long, what is a day? We’ve not had a proper farewell.
Bitter, bitter, to drink the cup of sorrow poured by my own hands.
Sed, sed.