tags: oneirology



2010 Jul 27
low quality dreams

I've been disappointed at the dearth of dreams I've been having since I watched "Inception". There are only two that I remember. The first one was fairly vague. All I remember is trying to hijack a Final Fantasy-style airship. The second one involved me and my ex from high school in an alternate timeline where we never broke up and we were supposed to go to a wedding that I first assumed was in Las Vegas, given all the casinos and hotels, and the fact that it was the middle of the desert. The only thing that was totally off was the fact that this dream city had a port, and I remember thinking in my dream "When did Las Vegas get a port?" The dream involved searching for a particular book in all of this dream city's bookstores. Yeah, not very exciting.

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2011 Jun 23
i probably watch too much tv

I never end up writing down my dreams immediately after waking up. Usually, it's because I'm in a rush to get to work, but sometimes it's just because I'm lazy. Not that I think vivid dreams necessarily mean anything other than the fact that my sleep is fragmented enough that I wake up in time to remember my dreams, but it's always interesting to re-read the weird things my brain comes up with from the flotsam and jetsam of my mundane life.

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