tags: nutrition



2015 Nov 27
Complexity of Nutrition

People want simple answers to complex questions, so you end up with bad advice like "fat bad, carbs good". Then when the experts point out this isn't actually what the research suggests, the people who want simple answers moan and wail about how science always ends up contradicting itself and no one really knows anything, even though the research has always suggested the same complex answer. (crossposted on Facebook)

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2016 Feb 19
Organic Food

It's well known that conclusions from scientific papers can be confusing and misleading, especially when filtered through the popular press.

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2016 May 20
Compared to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

They're only counting sugar, not total carbohydrates, which is kind of silly since the starch in the doughnut will get converted into sugar by salivary enzymes in the mouth and pancreatic enzymes secreted into the small intestine.

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