tags: blog engine
- 2007 Jul 8
- what's right vs what works
I seem to revisit this topic from time to time. Usually in the context of trying to struggling through someone else’s code.
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- 2007 Aug 6
- i'm not sure why i didn't do this earlier
So the experiment here is to see if I can just hack Blosxom and make it read XML files instead of the standard text files it reads.
· Read more… - 2007 Aug 28
- it's never enough (successfully migrating from mephisto to simplelog)
When you get down to it, Mephisto has all the things I want in a blog engine. Non-crufty permalinks. (Only Wordpress formats its permalinks similarly, although you can easily get this from Blosxom.) A clean interface (Simplelog is probably the only one that is as clean.) A templating system that doesn't utilize nested angle-brackets (something that every single templating system out there has a problem with, except for Liquid, XSLT, and Erubis.) A templating system that strives to separate business logic from presentation (this is something I hate about PHP, and it's the thing that drove me away from Wordpress and which keeps me away, despite the fact that it has been the easiest blog engine to deal with so far. This is the thing that I love about XSLT despite its obtuse, arcane syntax. This is what I fear about Erb, because it makes it so easy to insert Ruby into your templates, leading to the potential of a PHP-like mess. Granted, Ruby is a much cleaner language than PHP, but still.)
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