memories for Sep 12
It's been bothering me all morning, but I think I finally figured out what the new song by R. City featuring Adam Levin sounds like.
· Read more……in the American system, the answer to “How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?” is “Go fuck yourself,” because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities.”
· Read more…2006
So here I am, the last hours of my 20s, and there are no answers, really.
· Read more…2003
So-called intellectual property is no hindrance to the Internet. It’s very Taoist in a way. Whatever does not yield to the Internet, the Internet merely routes around. Hence, instead of a myriad of proprietary rich media technologies, we’ve got open standards such as CSS and XHTML.
The RIAA pursues a losing strategy. As they say, those who cannot innovate, litigate. While the iTunes Music Store ain’t exactly a clean break from the old model of music distribution, the fact that you can (for the most part) buy just singles (and not just the crappy singles that the music companies allow to be released) is in itself an innovation.
· Read more…2001
Do the right thing.
· Read more…2000
So goes my final hours as a 23 year old. Have I really learned all that much? I wonder when I will cease being a child—when will I start taking responsibility of my life?
· Read more…