memories for Jun 1
Unless something catastrophic happens between now and June 7th (like a stock market crash or a banking scandal or a federal indictment or whatever), this is probably how it's going to play out. The more moderate Sanders supporters will resign themselves to voting for Clinton in November and the more radical Sanders supporters will stay home or vote for Jill Stein or Trump or do something else that's totally crazy and counterproductive, and Sanders' personal political future will depend entirely on whether or not he reconciles with the Democratic establishment.
· Read more…2008
Ever since I got addicted to Twitter, I guess I haven't been blogging as often as I used to. There are just so many ways to express myself besides the long form of a blog post: Twitter, Facebook link posts, Google Reader shares with notes, I am Web 2.0-ed out.
· Read more…2007
It’s past 4:30 a.m. and I really, really, really should go to sleep.
· Read more…2005
the chordal and rhythmic structure of this song makes me think of Beethoven's 9th Symphony.
· Read more…2003
None of this really matters, all happiness is effervescent. But some day I fear a player will be born.
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