memories for Mar 11
If you're going to be a bank robber when you grow up, you still need to learn how to spell correctly.
· Read more…I'm not against nuclear power per se, but I'm thinking thorium reactors are the way to go. While, yeah, uranium and plutonium reactors are generally very safe, when there's an accident (and there will always be accidents) it can be potentially unfathomably catastrophic and effectively permanent, at least as far as human timescales are concerned.1
· Read more…It's interesting how Donald Trump calls for the registering and/or deportation of Muslims and Mexicans, the torture and killing of civilians whose family members are suspected of terrorism, more violence against protestors at his rallies and refuses to disavow white supremacist groups supporting him and people are quick to be apologists and say "He's not Hitler!" while Bernie Sanders calls for universal health care, free higher education, and increased regulation of the financial sector and people seem to immediately jump to "He's just like Stalin!"
· Read more…2012
The thing I recognize that will be a growing problem because I spend all this time alone is that I am becoming increasingly selfish. I find myself less and less able to tolerate other people's contradictory opinions, and I find myself increasingly resentful of others when I feel like they're impinging on my freedom, even though I realize that compromise is necessary if you intend to keep the peace. I know for a fact that I used to be far more tolerant than this, but I'm not sure how to stop this apparent devolution.
· Read more…2008
It seems like an infinitely long time since I last claimed to understand what love is. There was a time in what seems like another lifetime when I thought I got it. In nerd slang, I grokked it, once upon a time.
· Read more…2004
From the Financial Times:
· Read more…2001
A poem by Benigno Aquino. Lent and martyrdom. Dogeaters. Sometimes I just want to weep for the world.
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