memories for Mar 7
To be certain, the problem isn't Donald Trump. The problem is that a significant proportion of the population of the U.S. believes fascism and/or theocracy are perfectly cromulent solutions for the woes of our country.
· Read more…Remember back in the day before the Twin Towers fell when George W Bush was sending spy planes into China's airspace and then one crashed into a Chinese fighter jet? I was certain this was going to be the beginning of the next global conflagaration.
· Read more…2006
So now I’m trying Bleezer which is written in Java. Ah well, no Cocoa for me, I guess. But, this, on the other hand, has a lot more features, many of which I will probably never get to use. Neat.
· Read more…I’m testing out Blog Thing which is a simple Cocoa app that supports the Metaweb API. Ah, the wonders of the Web (version 2.0)
· Read more…Again, perusing posts about computer systems implementation, I come upon the debate between “the right thing” and “worse is better,” I can’t help but think about the way natural selection works.
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Wow, this post is going to be extraordinarily geeky. By clicking on various links, I stumbled upon some very well thought out posts regarding the inexorable programming language clashes that in reality actually affects the average Net dependent webhead in ways that may not be readily apparent.
· Read more…2004
I've been walking around the neighborhood I grew up in lately, now that I have the time, and it's always interesting the things you find when you slow down your pace (i.e., from driving to hoofing it.) For example, I finally figured why the hell Round Top Drive is divided into two, each part flanking the Glendale Freeway just before it intersects the Ventura Fwy. The western segment has houses with addresses beginning with 4500, while the eastern segment has houses with addresses beginning with 4600 and beyond. When glancing at the relationship of the two segments from a distance (from an adjacent hill that is divided between Glendale and L.A.) I realized that before the Glendale Freeway was built (requiring a huge trench dug through the hill), the two segments were actually a continuous street, and once the freeway was built, they had to build a road to allow people to get off the hill. I'm trying to find an old map of L.A. to confirm this.
· Read more…Some dreams about what L.A.'s subway and light rail system could look like if most Southern Californians weren't so short-sighted: Concept Expansion Maps.
· Read more…2003
I guess one of my favorite hobbies is feeling sorry for myself. Gah.
· Read more…2002
I can’t go on doing the same things, retracing the old worn out patterns. Something has to change. There’s no other way around it.
· Read more…“Reality continues to ruin my life” — Calvin from “Calvin and Hobbes”
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