memories for Mar 1


2016 Mar 1
Campaigning in Massachusetts

In the event of a Clinton vs. Trump general election, there are probably going to be two large groups of voters who will be inclined to stay home: Sanders voters who think Clinton is too much like a Republican and Republicans who think Trump is too much of a fascist. Clinton has the capacity to get those groups to vote for her, but she's not going to do it by feeding the "I'm above the law" narrative.

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2016 Mar 1
Osama Bin Laden and Climate Change

For some, this is evidence that some causes cross all ideological lines and even a theocratic sociopathic mass murderer (no, I'm not talking about Ted Cruz) can care about the planet. For others, this is proof positive that acting against climate change is doing the bidding of terrorists.

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2016 Mar 1
Garbage In, Garbage Out

An algorithm that assumes that a car (or bus, in this case) approaching on the left will slow down for you to allow you to cut in front of it seems like a MAJOR design flaw o_O

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2016 Mar 1
Sleep Deprivation is Why You're Fat

It's been know that people who don't get enough sleep tend to gain weight. One possible mechanism is due to high ghrelin and low leptin levels.

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2008 Mar 1
flashback (the hazards of having gone to berkeley)

A week ago, it was sunny and warm, and I headed up to L.A. I was wearing my "Barack the Vote" T-shirt that my sister gave me for Christmas. I didn't realize I was running on empty until I got to Carlsbad, so I got off the freeway and stopped at the nearest gas station. All of the sudden, I got self-conscious about wearing the shirt. North County San Diego is notorious for being rabidly right-wing, and I wondered if anyone would react. But I finished filling up my tank, got back in my car, and got on the freeway. Somewhat fittingly, the next song my iPod decided to play was "Get Together" by the Youngbloods.

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2008 Mar 1
only now, at the end, do i understand

A movie (that I have yet to watch) produces a memorable catch phrase that is destined to be used and abused to no end, and which has already spread across the blogosphere like the way wildfires spreads through San Diego County:

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2008 Mar 1
this is a house of a crazy person

I surveyed the chaos and squalor that is my apartment and quickly stopped because I didn't want to vomit. This is how insane people live.

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2004 Mar 1
quirkyalone: why fight it?

When this meme came out, I tried to resist it for the longest time. For one thing, I automatically resist things that I perceive (rightly or wrongly) to be trendy. For another thing, I didn't quite want to give up. I wanted to believe that, deep down inside, I was just like other people, I just needed to figure a whole bunch of shit out, I just needed to break out of my shell, get over past betrayals, stop wishing for impossible things. That someday, I too would join the great chain of being, get a decent job, get married, have 2.5 kids, have grandkids, and on-and-on. What a lot of people like to call "normalcy," whatever that's supposed to mean.

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2002 Mar 1
And Yet, I Am Surprised

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just an idiot.

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2001 Mar 1
Waiting for Spring

Fight the Power. Trust-bust the RIAA. You go, Courtney Love.

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