memories for Jan 6
It's probably a bit late to worry about this, but I am hoping that I sufficiently caulked the very large 50+ year old window frame in my living room.
· Read more…For some reason, I don't think this is what people who are pro-automation and pro-technology had in mind. #automationFTW
· Read more…OH at the Starbucks counter:
· Read more…"…bread and circuses…. I mean, tax cuts and unlimited streaming video…."
· Read more…The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
· Read more…2012
I am trying not fixate on the fact that I totally pissed away my day off being angry, since that only makes me even more angry.
· Read more…2008
I stumbled upon this debate about the future of markets. Part of the problem is that “market” is so poorly defined. Instead of digging through centuries of capitalist tracts or recycling paleomarxism, my understanding of markets is that they are simply the mechanism by which transactions of resources, manufactured goods, or financial instruments take place. Anywhere there is supply and demand for a particular thing, that creates a market.
· Read more…2004
For every punch in the gut you take, sometimes they give you a lollipop. Doesn’t do much for the pain, but hey, you take what you get, right?
· Read more…