
I'm not really all that mysterious

The Realignment of the U.S.

Matt Taibbi already deconstructed how absurd Andrew Sullivan’s argument is—the problem with the U.S. isn’t that it’s too democratic—but I do think there’s a chance that Trump will win and I do think the backlash might make our system even less democratic than it already is.

Is America’s Democracy Ripe for a Dictatorship? • 2016 May 20 • Jacob Weisberg • Slate

If Clinton loses the general election, I can imagine the Democratic party breaking apart along the same lines as the Republican party has: the establishment that mainly represents the business and political elite vs. the populists.

Meanwhile, if Trump is president, odds are his supporters are going to run amok and create a reign of terror. The establishments of both ruined parties will probably come together to resist the rule of the mob, but the U.S. as we know it will probably cease to exist.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga


I am flabbergasted.

Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones, Charlotte Greenwood, James Whitmore, Jay C. Flippen • Oklahoma!

The last time I drove through Oklahoma was in 2004 and it looked like a totally normal place.

Now I can only imagine that it looks kind of like “Mad Max: Fury Road” (with the landscape constantly shifting because of fracking quakes) and the not-very-sane governor is only barely able to keep the total crazies in her legislature in check.

(Remember, this is the governor who is so pro-life, she continued executing people despite the fact that the usual drugs used for lethal injection were no longer available and Oklahoma had to start home brewing their own mixture of drugs, leaving an inmate sentenced to death writhing in pain for almost an hour before he died of a heart attack.)

Okla. introduces Obama impeachment measure over bathroom directive • 2016 May 20 • Tim Devaney • The Hill

Oklahoma Governor Vetoes • 2016 May 20 • Hannah Levintova • Mother Jones

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Compared to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

They’re only counting sugar, not total carbohydrates, which is kind of silly since the starch in the doughnut will get converted into sugar by salivary enzymes in the mouth and pancreatic enzymes secreted into the small intestine.

Even still, according to Google, a bottle of Vitamin Water has 31-32 grams of sugar while a single original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut has 21 grams of carbohydrates (10 grams of which is sugar).

9 Surprising Foods With More Sugar Than a Krispy Kreme Doughnut • 2013 Sep 13 • Dana Liebelson • Mother Jones

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga