
I'm not really all that mysterious


Another Tagalog word makes it into the OED!

Kilig makes it to the Oxford English Dictionary • 2016 Apr 14 • Stephanie Jesena •

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Sandy Hook and Tanks

Bushmaster Firearms is being sued for selling AR-15s, which was one of the weapons Adam Lanza used to mow down first graders in 2012.

I know that the counterargument is that you can’t sue vehicle manufacturers if drivers kill other drivers or pedestrians (although this isn’t strictly true if the reason for the fatalities and/or injuries is because a car safety system failed) but that isn’t what the argument is about.

Imagine if a car manufacturer decided to release a tank to the general public. Say someone buys a tank and uses it on the freeway to crush a school bus full of children.

I really don’t think it would be unreasonable to sue the car manufacturer for marketing and selling a product that should never be released to the general public in the first place.

Sandy Hook Lawsuit Moves Forward • 2016 Apr 14 • Matt Vasilogambros • The Atlantic

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga