
I'm not really all that mysterious

Robot Uprising

When Skynet finally decides that the only reasonable choice is to extinguish the human race, we will only have ourselves to blame.

Microsoft deletes ‘teen girl’ AI after it became a Hitler-loving sex robot within 24 hours • 2016 Mar 24 • Helena Horton • Telegraph1

Physicists Unleash AI to Devise Unthinkable Experiments • 2016 Mar 22 • Charles Q. Choi • Scientific American2

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posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Bad Joke Meme: Fishy Edition

Q: Why can mackerel be holy but salmon can’t?

A: Because salmon are dammed.

Why are salmon in trouble? Dams • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Friends and the Man in the High Castle

The lack of ethnic diversity in “Friends” despite being set in NYC makes more sense if you imagine that it’s set in the same universe as “The Man in the High Castle”

In any case, it’s clearly set in an alternate universe. In our current universe, Central Perk has never existed. And in the “Friends” universe, 9/11 never happened.

inspired by How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization • 21 Mar 2016 • David Hopkins • Medium (h/t Steven P.){: .metadata }

The only thing that would be worse than the total and utter whitewashing of NYC is an alternate Southern California where no one spoke Spanish.

Also, it occurs to me that “Big Bang Theory” is what would happen if all the characters on “Friends” pretended they were big nerds.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

History of the Mac

The 15th anniversary of the release of Mac OS X 10.0 was yesterday.

Technically, Mac OS X is 17 years old since Mac OS X Server 1.0 was released on March 16th, 1999

Basically, the release of OS X 10.11.4 is farther away from Mac OS X Server 1.0 (17 years, 5 days) than Mac OS X Server 1.0 is from the release of System 1 (15 years 1 month 20 days).

Here’s to the crazy ones: a decade of Mac OS X reviews • 2011 May 12 • John Siracusa • Ars Technica

Tangentially related, Apple has stuck to one architecture for about 12 years on average.

They used the Motorola 68k family from 1984 to 1996 and Power PC from 1994 to 2006. They’ve only been using Intel since 2006. It doesn’t really seem like there are any new architectures on the horizon, unless we’re talking about Apple someday completely transitioning to ARM.

List of Macintosh models grouped by CPU type • Wikipedia

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga