
I'm not really all that mysterious

American Despotism

I think the fact that Trump will be a despot if elected and already has an obviously despotic personality is readily apparent to (1) anyone who grew up in a developing country (2) anyone whose parents are from a developing country and quite possibly fled to the U.S. because of despotism (3) anyone who actually paid attention in high school history class.

To be weary of Hitler or Mussolini comparisons and saying “get back to me when he starts putting people in concentration camps” is a lot like me saying “get back to me when your pre-cancerous dysplastic lesion turns into actual cancer” and saying “calling Trump Hitler minimizes the Holocaust” is like me saying that being concerned about your pre-cancer minimizes the experiences of those who have cancer.

Donald Trump’s tactics are disturbingly similar to those of actual dictators • 2016 Mar 21 • Amanda Taub • Vox

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Being Realistic about Hitler

Godwin’s Law becomes extremely unhelpful when discussing actual fascism and despotism. The Nazis may have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humanity (although the Communists under Stalin and under Mao killed more people) but Hitler is not some incredibly inhuman evil monster that we’ll never see again. He may have been evil and monstrous, but his motivations were akin to the motivations of other politicians.

Half Of What You Know About Adolf Hitler Is Wrong • 2016 Mar 19 • Marc Eliot Stein • Pacifism for the 21st Century

I did know that fascism is primarily anti-Communist, but I didn’t realize just how deeply linked anti-Semitism and anti-Communism were.

I can see imperfect parallels to Islamophobia and antiterrorism. And racism against Latinos and Chicanos vis-a-vis generalized anti-immigrant sentiment and the War on Drugs.{: #war-on-drugs }1

[Hitler] was not an egotist or megalomaniac

We are accustomed to thinking of Hitler as an incredible egotist and megalomaniac because of his vast cult of personality, which strikes us as bizarre today. It’s bizarre that Germans were required to shout “Heil Hitler”, that every German soldier or military officer was forced to declare a loyalty oath directly to Adolf Hitler, that the children of the Reich were expected to join the “Hitler Youth”. Adolf certainly seemed to have an outsized ego, didn’t he?

Not so fast. We are today so far removed from the Napoleonic age that totally dominated Europe’s intellectual culture during all of the 19th Century and the first half of the 20th Century that we find all cults of personality strange, but Napoleonic cults of personality were standard in European politics during the Hitler era. If you were a Fascist or Communist leader in Europe and you didn’t cultivate a massive cult of personality, you weren’t doing it right.

Now I wonder: does Trump’s actual narcissism make him more dangerous or less dangerous?2

Conclusion: Hitler was a craven opportunist

It’s frightening to realize that Hitler did not belong to a different species from other politicians of the modern age. It’s frightening to realize that an opportunistic desire for power explains nearly everything about his miserable 12 year reign in Germany… because an opportunistic desire for power is something many politicians share.

What made Hitler different? Well, he may not have been as different as we want to believe. He was not the worst genocidal murderer of the 20th century: historians give that honor to Mao Zedong of China, with Joseph Stalin in second place and Hitler in third.

As we look forward to our current and future next generations of world leaders, from Vladimir Putin to Kim Jung-un to Donald Trump, it’s worth asking if we have learned any lessons from the disaster of Adolf Hitler at all.

Hitler may have been a soldier in WWI, but that alone doesn’t falsify that claim that he was a coward at heart. Meanwhile, we know that Trump used deferments to get out of the Vietnam War while brazenly belittling a prisoner-of-war. So I wonder: does Trump’s even more abject cowardice make him more dangerous or less dangerous?3

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posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

The War on Drugs

Another example of how politics sometimes dictates policy:

At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Legalize It All • How to win the war on drugs • 2016 Apr • Dan Baum • Harper’s

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Hitler Political Timeline

The typical instinct on the Internet is to recoil at any comparison of a contemporary politician to Hitler (thanks, Godwin!) but sometimes you really can’t avoid it when someone decides to run on an ultranationalist authoritarian platform.

It is frequently noted that Trump hasn’t yet committed any atrocities, but I think that if we get to that point, we’ve definitely let him go way too far.

It makes more sense to compare him to Hitler’s early political career.

In 1919, Hitler joined the DAP. The DAP became the NSDAP in 1920. Hitler started giving anti-Communist/anti-Semitic speeches to rile up like-minded Germans, but he didn’t organize the brownshirts until 1922.

The NSDAP didn’t really win any elections until 1924 (as the NSFP) and Hitler didn’t run for president until 1932 (and lost).

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Democrats Abroad

Sanders gets 9 delegates while Clinton gets 4 delegates in the Democrats Abroad primary.

Bernie Sanders wins Democrats Abroad primary • 2016 Mar 21 • Robert Yoon • CNN

I find it fascinating that the Democratic Party has a specific primary for overseas Americans while the Republican Party doesn’t.

Overseas Americans! You, too, can participate in this year’s crazy election primaries • 2016 Mar 3 • Heather Timmons • Quartz

Voter turnout for this primary was up compared to 2008 (23,000 in 2008 vs 34,570 today)

Global Presidential Primary Results • 2016 Mar 21 • Julia Bryan • Democrats Abroad

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga