
I'm not really all that mysterious

American Populism and White Privilege

Full disclosure: I intend to vote for Bernie Sanders in the California Democratic primary, although it’s likely the nomination will be locked down by then and it won’t really matter.

But it’s been clear right from the start that the Sanders campaign has had extreme difficulty convincing people of color to vote for Sanders.

I think part of the reason is the hyperfocus on economic inequality being the cause of all of our woes.

In this era where people of color are being wantonly killed by law enforcement and the Obama’s adminstration has ramped up deportations, all the while Donald Trump is running a very popular campaign based on anti-immigrant sentiment and white supremacist sympathy, the idea that “racism isn’t the real problem, economic inequality is the root cause.” is probably not going to weaken Clinton’s firewall.

Sanders supporters are bewildered about this considering that former president Bill Clinton’s administration did wreak significant havoc on communities of color, but the fact is that a lot of people of color feel like the Democratic Party is the only possible safe harbor, and there’s no advantage in backing a more radical economic agenda that completely ignores the problem of race.

Add to it the toxic, paranoid backlash by Sanders supporters against prominent Civil Rights activists who support Clinton like Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and Dolores Huerta, and Sanders has an uphill battle ahead.

Bernie Sanders and the Depressing Reality of Populism • 2016 Feb 22 • Charles P. Pierce • Esquire

Those who ‘Feel the Bern’ invariably insist that those who don’t are either dumb, don’t understand their own political needs or what and who will truly help them. To some degree, that’s normal when people get really passionate about a candidate or a campaign. But given the professed progressive leanings of those in the Sanders camp and what’s widely known about the group’s near-racial homogeneity, it’s a response that seems like a rather large and telling contradiction. It is a response that seems devoid of any recognition that patronizing language, paternalistic “guidance” and recriminations are, at the very least, the active ingredients in modern and sometimes subtle forms of bigotry. Besides that, condescension is not often convincing.

Bernie Sanders’s real problem with black and Hispanic voters • 2016 Feb 4 • Janell Ross • Washington Post

Asian-American Organizers Say Their Votes Helped Clinton Secure Nevada Win • 2016 Feb 21 • Emil Guillermo • NBC News

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Dolores Huerta and the Nevada Caucuses

I really think that attacking major figures from the Civil Rights Era who support Hillary Clinton will hurt the Sanders camp far more than it hurts the Clinton camp

[Susan Sarandon’s] video really does not indict Huerta of the bias alleged by Sanders supporters; it’s easy to see why she felt abused and upset after being shouted off the stage. Nor does it completely clear the Sanders supporters of all the allegations against them; some of the comments that are clearly audible in it amount to more than bad public behavior.

Whether intended or not, those applauding effectively sanctioned a process that allowed qualified voters who do not speak English, or who are Spanish-dominant, limited insight and influence in the evening’s events.

Some people at the caucus gathering may have been singularly focused on what they viewed as the risk of a Clinton supporter interpreting events for all Spanish-speakers in the room. But then, at the very least, they shouted an 80-plus-year-old woman off the stage for what they believed to be political bias. That is not a moment of which to be proud.

That the woman in question happened to be Dolores Huerta really does make matters worse. After all, Huerta is one of many people who personally waged activist war to create a multilingual voting system in the United States.

Neither side was quite right on that Dolores Huerta ‘English-only’ shout-down • 2016 Feb 21 • Janell Ross • Washington Post

That guy shouting “I’ll never vote for Hillary” repeatedly during the video? That’s the sound of the doom of the Democratic Party.

(crossposted on Facebook)

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

John Lewis Clarifies His Response to Bernie Sanders' Civil Rights Record

I am getting the sense that Sanders supporters are grasping at straws to explain the fact that the Sanders camp can’t seem to get significant numbers of people of color to vote for him. There is no Clinton machine conspiracy. The message that economic inequality is the root cause of racism just isn’t resonating.

I was responding to a reporter’s question who asked me to assess Sen. Sanders’ civil rights record. I said that when I was leading and was at the center of pivotal actions within the Civil Rights Movement, I did not meet Sen. Bernie Sanders at any time. The fact that I did not meet him in the movement does not mean I doubted that Sen. Sanders participated in the Civil Rights Movement, neither was I attempting to disparage his activism. Thousands sacrificed in the 1960s whose names we will never know, and I have always given honor to their contribution. …when I was doing the work of civil rights, led the Voter Education Project and organized voter registration in the South in the 1970s, I did cross paths with Hillary and Bill Clinton in the field. They were working in politics, and Bill Clinton became attorney general of Arkansas in the 1970s as well. That began a relationship with them that has lasted until today.

John Lewis clarifies comments on Bernie Sanders • 2016 Feb 13 • Alex Seitz-Wald • MSNBC

Do you think this will be enough to satisfy the Sanderistas? Or will they demand nothing less than John Lewis abjectly kissing Bernie Sanders’ ass?

Because, honestly, I am more and more convinced that anyone who keeps pushing this attack against John Lewis does not have the best interest of progressives at heart.

(crossposted on Facebook)

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Quiet and Polite

In what other country would randomly discharging a deadly weapon in a residential neighborhood where children might be present be considered “quiet and polite”? #wtf #murica

(via @nycsouthpaw)

Neighbors described him as quiet and polite, though he caught their attention when he occasionally shot a gun out the back door of the house he shared with his wife and two children.

Kalamazoo Searches for Motive in Spree That Killed 6 • 2016 Feb 21 • Mitch Smith, Monica Davey and Alan Blinder • New York Times

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Hitler's Genital Abnormality

Hitler’s penis and (unilateral) testicle are trending.

Hitler ‘had tiny deformed penis’ as well as just one testicle, historians claim • 2016 Feb 22 • James Rothwell • The Telegraph

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Life is Like a Garden

It’s been a year since Leonard Nimoy posted his last tweet.

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP

posted by Star Trek on Facebook

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga