Jury Duty
My gut just made a sound like a thunderstorm.
My gut just made a sound like a thunderstorm.
Recycling bins on every street corner but no trash cans in sight
An outdoor underground mall straight out of a 1980s dystopic sci-fi flick
You know a stairwell is still fairly new when it still smells more like fresh paint and less like stale urine
The smell of old government buildings that makes me think of schoolhouses and being a kid and being barely able to reach doorknobs
I am not anti-science by any means, but it seems clear to me that we shouldn’t just take multinational corporations at their word that everything they do is perfectly safe and only in our best interests based solely on scientific studies that they funded because “Science!” and “Don’t be a anti-science superstitious Luddite!” (And it would also be nice if regulatory bodies caught these kinds of adverse effects prospectively rather than retrospectively.)
Court revokes approval of insecticide, citing ‘alarming’ decline in bees • 2015 Sep 10 • L.A. Times
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