¡ay caramba!
Coherence is probably a little too much to ask at this hour, after this much to drink. Today I have come to another bitter revelation, and I have a good idea of what my trajectory is going to be.
As I walked down the hall between the ICU and the wards, I actually shivered a little, with the cold, hard realization that as each second passes, the probability that I’m going to find The One™ diminishes. The likelihood that I’m going to die on my own increases ever closer to complete certainty, and all I’m left with is this useless thought: this sucks.
There was some point in time that this all became irreversible. That I was actually never going to trust another person ever again, and that I would never be moved to actually pursue someone with all my heart, without preconditions, without fear, without expectation.
In the end, it’s all half-assed. Blundering, clumsy, idiotic, foolish bumbling. Senseless, ridiculous, and hopeless. The last, what, four months have passed without me learning a single goddamn thing, and I’m pretty much done. Sayonara. Arrivederci. Hasta la vista.
Maybe next lifetime.
Seriously, though. I stare numbly at the woman who OD’ed on God only really knows, and I can’t help but wonder, just how easy would it be? Everything at this stage in the game feels so fixed, so static, and no matter what sort of emotions rage inside me, nothing ever changes. I can’t even get myself to do anything about it. I’m a goddamn gimp.
How easy would it be to take the exit strategy?
But I recognize that there is always a third way out. Something that I haven’t thought of yet. Something so bizarre, arcane, convoluted, and perplexing, that you’ve got to ask yourself, is it really worth it?
Of course not, but it’s certainly better than the alternative.
Still, it’s like choosing to suffer for a long time, until the inevitable finally overtakes me, or suffering for a short time, with me taking an active role in ending that suffering.
hey pig
yeah you
hey pig piggy pig pig pig
all of my fears came true
black and blue and broken bones you left me here I’m all alone
my little piggy needed something new
nothing can stop me now I don’t care anymore
nothing can stop me now
I just don’t care
hey pig
nothing’s turning out the way I planned
hey pig there’s a lot of things I hoped you could help me understand
what am I supposed to do I lost my shit because of you
nothing can stop me now
I don’t care anymore
nothing can stop me now
I just don’t care
nothing can stop me now
you don’t need me anymore
I am stuck forever living that final moment of torment, never recovering from it. It is a cancer that has gnawed through my soul, a festering wound that will never, ever heal.
I can’t fucking win unless something inside of me somehow changes for the better. I don’t know how to do it on my own. I’m like a blind paraplegic crawling around in the dark, hoping for a fucking miracle.
I can’t save myself. The writing is on the wall. And if this cup will not pass, so be it.
I just crave sleep. I’m so fucking tired. The entire last decade and a half just decided to fall on top of me, and I can’t even crawl out of the debris. I’m just so fucking tired. All I want is to sleep, goddamn it!