
I'm not really all that mysterious

branches, lines

this trigger
sending millions of
particles of light
laser beams
gamma rays

burning trails of phosphorescence
each scintillation a separation
each glimmer sparking an entire universe

kindling her smile
igniting his laughter
her joy, his excitement
disconnecting past from present

dreams are like shadows evaporating with dawn
like cobwebs in the wind
like teardrops in sunlight

let there be
said the Lord

annihilating my soul
incinerating the rotting core of my being

let there be
shimmering waves
oscillating, quivering
spectra like harmony
tracing out movements, world lines
illuminating light cones
from stellar ash to nebular dust
blowing in the galactic wind

looking back
just a straight line
razor edged
streaking along
like an express train
a supersonic jet
you can’t stop what’s coming

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga