
I'm not really all that mysterious

visions and revisions

Gary the Tolkien Geek has been reposting blog posts that analyze the text of <p>The Lord of the Rings</p> , so I haven’t tried to reread the thing itself. (Despite the fact that I’ve read the book multiple times, it’s absurd the things that I’ve managed to miss: for example, the insinuation that Eärendil’s ship Vingelot may be a spaceship or the fact that the place name Nargothrond actually occurs in the text.

The world was fair, the mountains tall,
In Elder Days before the fall
Of mighty kings in Nargothrond
And Gondolin, who now beyond
The Western Seas have passed away:
The world was fair in Durin’s Day.

Gimli, son of Glóin, singing about Durin the Deathless

At first I, too, was outraged by Peter Jackson’s decision to have Faramir take Frodo and Sam back to Denethor as prisoners, but interestingly, after reading <p>The History of Middle Earth</p> , I discovered that this is what Tolkien had originally envisioned (although Faramir was not yet Faramir at this stage in the game.)

He also originally envisioned Elves from Mirkwood (and Ents from Fangorn!) joining the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, which makes the idea of Haldir and the Galadhrim showing up at Helm’s Deep less crazy, I guess.

One wonders how many Tolkien scholars Jackson hired to help him with his masterpiece.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

sun stricken

Where have I been? What have I seen?

The past few days have been a blur, shrouded in the glamour of pain not responsive to NSAIDs or Tylenol.

I’m falling apart.

Saturday I decided I had had enough of the squalor I have been living in, and managed to gather together (6) 13 gallon bags of trash. I also managed to pick everything off of the floor. Now it’s just a disasterous stack sitting on top of my drawers and tables instead of underneath them.

There is clearly something wrong with me.

Afterwards, I decided to go up to L.A. I hadn’t yet seen my sister even though she had been back in the U.S. for a week already, and my brother had just turned 27, so I figured those were as good enough reasons as any.

I managed to reach San Clemente as the sun sunk slowly behind the Pacific, illuminating Santa Catalina Island off to the west. I don’t remember the sky ever being that clear before. I’ve only caught sight of Catalina once on a drive up from S.D. to L.A. in the three years that I’ve lived down here. One of these days, I’ll actually download my pics off of my phone.

Because of the prognostications of the Internet, I decided to take a rather circuitous route to my parents’ house: I-5 to CA-73 to I-405 to I-110 to I-5 to CA-2. I took me only slightly more than two hours, and the only traffic I really ran into was in Downtown L.A. (naturally) Of course, I kind of wonder if I couldn’t’ve avoided traffic entirely if I had just stayed on the 5 in the first place.

By luck, I managed to catch the Manuel Pacquiao vs Marco Barrera fight, which my dad decided to order for $50(!) I swear, in some ways, featherweight matches are more brutal than heavyweight matches. While I’m sure it hurts like hell when someone like George Foreman or Mike Tyson hits you, it’s not unreasonable for a match like that to end in three rounds, or even in just one round. The crowd may not be happy, but that’s what happens when one man gets severely concussed by another man. In contrast, featherweight matches are guaranteed to be long, drawn-out fights, depending a lot on a fighter’s endurance and ability to throw good punches, rather than on knock-outs. I wasn’t surprised that this went all the way to the 12th round and had to be decided by decision.

I spent most of the next day sleeping.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

unsung heroics

unsung heroics part I unsung heroics part II

Woven strands
Trails through sand
wind and rain
waves of grain
moonlight wanes
sing the refrain…

we sing (amidst the clamor of
memories faded/dreams evaporated/
hopes dashed/wishes silenced)
now susurrations
dessicated leaves whispers against
the anonymous asphalt
unyielding blacktop
Eden unravelled
the final suture, the ended knot

Mountaintop looms
This is my shadow,
my shadow she watches
my shadow she waits
Rhythm borne, saving rhyme
Fate skitters, scatters
hiding in the walls
My blade, my needle,
this fragile thread
the binding, the fiery grip
metal/sterile/steel/cold iron
like the heart of a dying star
cold iron
like the sword and the shield
the lighting and the

this oracle
the autumn leaves
fall and fade
flee and fail
this blight
this twisted rage
crystallized tears
catching starlight
catching raindrops and snowflakes
wreak havoc on my soul
uncovering, awakening
fault lines straining
writhing twisting thrusting
blood stained
falling from my hands
my heart
this burning sigil
spirit, wounds, runes
grains of sand falling, falling
days, then weeks
months, then years
epochs, then eons
Starlight uncaught
flying gaster, farther
you will always be starlight
burning shadows in my mind

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga