
I'm not really all that mysterious


Today came without much fanfare or glee. I am quite happy that I have the day off, though. This week I’ve been working rather fucked-up hours, and it’s begun having a toll on me. I’m not a big fan of leaving work and finding the sun rising up to meet me. I still have to work another shift with similar hours tomorrow, but thankfully I have the weekend off as well.

What a weird journey the past couple of weeks have been. Strange how even a dream can throw me into a depressive episode. But hope springs eternal, as they say.

I just have to remember to take things one day at a time. I always get into trouble whenever I start looking too far ahead. I ought to know by now that nothing ever comes easily for me, and even my best plans can go badly astray. But luckily, sometimes it’s the process that is worth more than the end-point. As the cliché goes, it’s the journey and not the destination. I suppose that’s why getting in my car and going for a drive has always been a fool-proof way to improve my mood a little.

I am also reminded of the fact that every ending is always a new beginning. It sounds hackneyed, but it never really hit me until I pondered my past 25 years of formal education. Each matriculation has always been tinged with a sense of loss. But every new place I’ve gone has also been fraught with new possibilities. New opportunities. For a great portion of my life, I’ve been slow to explore these dimensions, much to my everlasting regret in some cases, but I’m learning. Even an old dog can be taught new tricks. (And yeah, I realize I’m really not that old.)

So here’s to yet another circuit completed around that ol’ big ball of gas lighting the day, while riding on this magnificent spaceship otherwise known as Earth. I will probably never reach the stars, but I never tire of gazing at them, and it’s always good to have something to aim at.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga


Now that I’ve found a blog engine that I’m relatively happy with, I’m thinking about folding all of my old entries into it. Not sure exactly what that will accomplish except that it will be easier to search for certain topics, but I’m sure that I’ll waste at least a few hours trying to figure it out.

In the meantime, I’m reintegrating some entries mostly from last August/September that I ended up writing elsewhere because of some technical difficulties I was having at the time, plus the fact that I was a little paranoid about who might possibly be reading my blog. I figure since a year has passed, none of it really matters at this point.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

they might be giants "older"

A humorous paen to aging and mortality.

They Might Be Giants • Older
posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga