
I'm not really all that mysterious

containment of the griffith park fire

So it looks like the Griffith Park fire is 75% contained as of 6 hours ago, although they still expect at least another day of fire-fighting before full containment. The blaze has consumed more than 800 acres, which is about 20% of the park’s total land area.

This is gonna be a wild fire season, and a bad mudslide season afterwards. Since when did we start having fires in May?

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

the witching hour

It’s 1:30 a.m. and I just woke up about half an hour ago. Ever since I finished up my last call month for this year, I’ve just been exhausted. I suppose I have about a month of sleep to catch up on. But this makes my sleep schedule completely screwed up.

Last night, I couldn’t get to sleep until nearly 2 a.m., but somehow, I still woke up at 7 a.m. without an alarm. Which, I suppose, is late compared to what time I used to wake up.

I’m still working on the whole optimism thing. I’ve spent a huge portion of my life depressed, or expecting bad things to happen, and it’s a hard habit to break. The odd thing, I suppose, is that nothing has really changed at all.

Before I wax too philosophically, I must remember that it’s all about small steps. Anything difficult can usually be broken down into less difficult components.

The other thing I need to do is to learn how to stop hedging, and just go for it.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

griffith park fire: flickr stream

People posted a lot of awesome pictures of the fire on Flickr. What is it about fire that fascinated me so?

I’m glad that they managed to save the merry-go-round. I used to ride it a lot when I was a little kid, although I haven’t been there in quite a while now. When we were younger, my mom would take me, my brother, and my sister to the park quite a bit to visit the Observatory, or take the miniature train. They even used to have pony rides.

More recently, me, my brother, and my sister hiked the Mt. Hollywood trail. I’m glad that I got to see it before the fire.

Griffith Park Fire, Glendale view Griffith Park Fire, Glendale view by Lienna Jael, released under a Creative Commons license (attribution, non-commercial).

8:28pm 8:28pm by Atwater Village Newbie, released under a Creative Commons license (attribution)

Griffith Park Fire 001 A view of the Griffith Park fire from a mountain in Glendale by elmapache, released under a Creative Commons license (attribution)

Griffith Park Fire taken from Los Feliz/East Hollywood (Little Armenia) directly below the Observatory by donnagrayson. Released under a Creative Commons license (attribution, non-commerical, no derivative work)

Griffith Park Fire the fire rages behind the Observatory, taken by susanstars, released under a Creative Commons license (attribution, non-commerical, no derivative work)

Some thumbnails of Flickr pics not released under a Creative Commons license:

Griffith Park Fire taken from Silver Lake looking north towards Los Feliz and the park… around 11:30pm by Stitcher.

Griffith Park Fire and L.A. River taken by iwriteplays.

Griffith Park Fire and L.A. River view from the Los Feliz overpass at the 5 Freeway near the Riverside Drive entrance to Griffith Park, by Mendo Media.

Griffith Park Fire on Hillside the progression of the fire as seen from Eagle Rock by similarity

Griffith Park Fire - May 8 2007 8:27 It looks like a volcano. Taken by McBrewster.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga