he ruined it with midichlorians
Courtesy of my cousin J™
(Happy Birthday, cuz!)
Courtesy of my cousin J™
(Happy Birthday, cuz!)
I saw it for a second
caught glancingly in the corner of my eye
The four walls that enclose time
The four walls closing in
Behind the wheel
I pondered singularities
accepted my singularity
how you can be certain about certain things
though all of time is yet uncertain
This is my life
ending by hours, minutes, and seconds
this damnable ever-ticking clock
counting down through these years of loneliness
my fate, my doom
a curse upon my soul
unbroken, unbreakable
Infinity escapes my grasp
defying the limits of my words, my own thoughts
And I wonder about Love
and the electricity coursing through my nerves
the cascade of neurotransmitters
seeping through my soul
In that bleak unending moment
forever captured in my mind
could it have been?
And what does it matter, when
epochs and eons have passed
a trillion stars have died and have been reborn
and my own flickering light begins to fade
I see as clearly to the end
as to the beginning
in death as in life
alone and unforgiven
bereft of all grace
and forgotten