
I'm not really all that mysterious

yet another sunset from some random day

sunset from torrey pines

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

shadows, echoes, and reverberations

becomes a shadow
dancing on the line
thread upon thread
twirled into the mist
beneath the shattered steel
the dull gray concrete
I walk warily
banner unfurled
sword unsheathéd
dawn creeps nigh

becomes a shadow
twisting and twinning
come split and asunder
blades clash
like lightning forks come rushing
thunder blast
dim echoes
the riders come

banner waving in the wind
night fading away into the west
like sleek velvet
like blood red wine
sword held high
star on brow
we dance the unending battle

come lightly, come heavily
there is darkness
and then light
charging onward
creeping backward
spinning sideways
the sun peeks above the horizon

rays of light, laughter
and the shadows melt away
in the morning there I walk
the field of battle all empty
weapons cast aside

in the light, the shadows and fog
the grey mist of dawn
burns away like paper kindling
awakening from dreaming
and forever wondering

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga